Amanda Brugel
Brugel was the sole Canadian part of the cast during the Season 1 of the show, and just occasionally. In Season 2, she became a regular cast member and is still part of it today. In discussing her character, as well as any parallels to her life beyond the cameras In her interview, Brugel could share her personal experiences with discrimination based on race to the "Marthas" and claiming, in part, "I use it, not just in her role in the house as Martha. Martha and I do very often lean heavily on race and, like I mentioned earlier about the experiences of my past where I actually feel like I've felt like a victim in situations just because of the color of my skin. My race has never led me to be physically hurt during my lifetime, but it's something that I've encountered. On the show I'll make use of any type of racial epithets, slurs, or insults that have caused me to feel like someone has hit me. This feeling is used in almost every scene because I can feel as if she's been punched or slapped in some manner in nearly every scene."

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